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  • Otto J.M. Smith Memorial Lecture

    krstic Prof. Miroslav Krstic

    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego, US.

    From Classical Delay Compensation to Delay-Adaptive Predictor Feedback and PDE-ODE Cascades

    On its golden anniversary, the Smith predictor (1959), a feedback tool for compensation of long dead-time, remains as widely used as ever in industrial applications in process control, and is increasingly relevant in modern applications such as teleoperation and networked systems. Professor Miroslav Krstic will highlight some of the new developments in the area of predictor feedback, such as adaptive control in the presence of long unknown delays and the generalizations of predictor tools from delay-ODE cascades to PDE-ODE cascades. These problems, as well as extensions to nonlinear and PDE plants, are introduced in his new book “Delay Compensation for Nonlinear, Adaptive and PDE Systems” (Birkhauser, Oct. 2009). The lecture will celebrate the memory of Professor Otto J. M. Smith (1917-2009) and his invention, a precursor to the modern infinite-dimensional feedback design.


    Miroslav Krstic is the Daniel L. Alspach Professor at UC San Diego and the founding director of the Cymer Center for Control Systems and Dynamics. He is a co-author of eight books, including Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design (1995), which is one of the two most cited research monographs in the history of control engineering, the new single-authored Delay Compensation for Nonlinear, Adaptive, and PDE Systems (2009), and six other books on control of turbulent fluid flows, stochastic nonlinear systems, and extremum seeking. Krstic has held the Russell Severance Springer Distinguished Visiting Professorship at UC Berkeley and the Harold W. Sorenson Distinguished Professorship at UC San Diego. He is a recipient of the ONR Young Investigator, PECASE, and NSF Career Awards, as well as the Axelby and Schuck Paper Prizes. Krstic was the first recipient of the UCSD Research Award in Engineering. He is a Fellow of IEEE and IFAC. Krstic serves as Senior Editor in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and Automatica and as Editor of the Springer-Verlag book series Communications and Control Engineering.